Geneva Peace Week 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

We would like to draw your attention to the Geneva Peace Week which is held from 4 – 8 November in Geneva. This interesting event features a variety of sessions linked to the Swiss/Liechtenstein Action Group for Peace. Find a detailed Program here.

Don’t hesitate to register to these free events via the eventbrite-links below. All sessions are taking place at the UN.

Peace is the uniting pillar of Rotary, embracing all other objectives. It is also the uniting pillar of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the UN has defined in its Agenda 2030. Sustainable Peace can only be achieved through partnership.

An invitation-only networking reception for individuals interested in working on peace projects

The Rotary Action Group for Peace is honored to present "How to Build & Spark Sustainable Peace within your Community" at GPW19.

Please join us in a special interactive conference with experts and facilitators of the Harmony Project in the Balkan Region.

At this innovative session, part of the Geneva Peace Week, we will demonstrate the close link between social stability and entrepreneurship



Rotary @ Geneva Peace Weeek 2019